Bijal Ghelani

Bijal currently lives and works from her studio in Austin, Texas.

Art has always been her passion since childhood. Living in some of the most beautiful parts of the world coupled with her global travels added fuel to the passion and made the transition from being an architect to an artist very seamless and satisfying. She has explored the art scene and exhibited at various art expos and festivals since 2014 in The Netherlands, UK and Switzerland before moving to the States in 2022. 

She explores different techniques in OILS to capture the essence of the fleeting beauty of the world around us. Having grown up in India, her work is greatly influenced by the bright color palette, resulting in thethe works being a true reflection of her, i.e. simple, full of life and harmonious. 

She invites viewers to find a connection and see the world through her artistic expression and find their own reflection in its depths.